What if you could move anywhere?

Would you do it?

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Hi nerds -

I salute you from Austin, where I’m visiting one of my best friends and meeting a cyberfriend IRL!

Friends, obvi

one big brain fart

Ever since quitting my job, I have been asking myself: “what is the most impactful problem I can solve with my current interests and skillsets?”

As I listed my top 10 favorite problems, I realized they are all:

  • International in scale

  • Require highly-skilled people to solve

  • Face some type of local regulatory blocker

Global talent is needed to solve global issues, but our migration systems are the biggest blocker to getting talent together.

People have moved from their homes since the beginning of humanity - but only in the last century have we made it so complex, we turned immigration into a global crisis.

  • Businesses struggle to find specialized talent

  • Talent struggles to find work and access to capital markets

  • Citizens in developed nations are growing old without a generational labor replacement

  • Citizens from developing nations struggle to improve their local conditions

I have spent the last 8 years of my life getting work visas from countries from all continents.

It didn’t matter how many degrees, offers, or work experience I had, top companies couldn’t hire me because I was from Panama.

My passport has been my biggest professional ceiling and it isn’t even one of the “worst passports” to have.

And I am not alone.

Out of the ~270 million global migrants today, ~67 million of them are highly-skilled professionals.

Underneath that number are at least 3x more people who dream of building a better life and adding value elsewhere.

  • Immigrants tend to have higher net fiscal contributions than native-borns

  • They send over $800B in remittances every year to their origin countries, sometimes representing the country’s highest source of income

  • They’re co-founders of ~60% of the world’s unicorns

  • and hold executive roles in ~80% of them.

When done right, immigration helps everyone.

I’m assembling a team to help global talent move countries - starting with those looking to move to the world’s largest capital and innovation market: the US.

If this topic is of interest, reply here and would love to chat!

smart goodie

“Vision without action is merely a dream.

Action without Vision just passes the time.

Vision with Action changes the world.”

~ Joel A Backer

funky jams

This was my most heard song in 2023 and continues to hit the ranks for 2024.

Great for sunset-watching while drinking rosé or a glass of kambucha.

My newsletter is growing in popularity (yay!!), so this edition is sponsored by a product I love - Rundown AI.

One of my favorite newsletters, they share curated AI tools and easily-digestible news about AI. Highly recommend.

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Speak soon,

Jules 🤸🏻


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