Adult Camp is not kinky

In case you were wondering

Hi nerds -

I salute you from a secret island nestled between Malaysia and Singapore, where I’m enrolled in a program that forbids me from disclosing its location. Fun, right?! More details on this later.

WTF is an Adult Camp?

“Third places are spaces where we interact with community, separate from the home or the workplace.”

~ ChatGPT lol

Two weeks ago, I hosted 30 Latin American founders, creatives, and leaders in one of my favorite spots in Panama: El Valle de Antón.

The why

A weekend-long “camp” similar to the ones we went to as kids, Adult Camp was an experiment designed to harness our inner child for our peak professional work.

Children are naturally curious, unafraid of failure, eager to experiment, and open-minded. They trust their instincts, withhold no judgment, and enjoy playing for play’s sake.

They are how the best leaders ought to be.

It wasn’t a wellness retreat, a party, or a conference. In Adult Camp, ideas took center stage to foster human connection through movement of mind and body.

It’s our attempt at curing the intellectual loneliness most leaders feel today.

How does it work?

Through peer-to-peer learning experiences paired with creativity and group fitness, the schedule pushed campers outside of their comfort zones to foster vulnerable connection when sharing insights, best practices, and rabbit holes.

Unconference sessions, intimate team check-ins, and journaling cafés were paired with yoga practices, hikes, cycling, and sports tournaments.

Social events were the cherry on top - board game station, a weekend library, creative sunset sessions, a bonfire, a blind wine tasting night, and lots of picnics under a disco ball.

We followed a few guiding principles:

  • Physical movement catalyzes mental movement.

  • Circular setups replaced hierarchical structures.

  • Structure decreased over time, fostering autonomy.

  • Learning thrives in trusted relationships, progressing from solo reflections to small group discussions and collective workshops.

  • Nourishing shared meals are a magnet for organic conversations

The result

A validation.

Leaders need third spaces to share ideas without expectations or judgement.

Our work flourishes when heart, voice, and mind align, attracting like-minded people.

And sometimes, we need to go back to camp to achieve this powerful synergy.

My co-founder Sara and I 💖

Thank you for reading - always down to connecting over juicy ideas.

If you’re into building powerful communities, please reply to this email and would love to geek out!

See you on cyberspace,

Jules 🤸🏻


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